accept(AsynchAcceptHandler) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
Request to execute accept operation.
acceptCompleted(OpAccept) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Acceptor
Implementation of AsynchChannelHandler#acceptCompleted(OpAccept op).
acceptCompleted(OpAccept) - Method in interface au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchAcceptHandler
Notifies that accept operation has finished.
Acceptor - Class in au.com.terabit.jproactor
The Acceptor class allows to start user defined server-side protocol servers.
Acceptor(Demultiplexor, int, AsynchChannelHandlerFactory) - Constructor for class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Acceptor
Creates acceptor for the specified AsynchHandlerFactory and on the specified tcp/ip port.
Acceptor(Demultiplexor, int, String, AsynchChannelHandlerFactory) - Constructor for class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Acceptor
Creates acceptor for the specified AsynchHandlerFactory and on the specified tcp/ip port and host.
Acceptor(Demultiplexor, SocketAddress, AsynchChannelHandlerFactory) - Constructor for class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Acceptor
Creates acceptor for the specified AsynchHandlerFactory and on the specified Socket Address.
append(IOStatistic) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.IOStatistic
AsynchAcceptHandler - Interface in au.com.terabit.jproactor
AsynchChannel - Class in au.com.terabit.jproactor
The AsynchChannel is an intermidiate interface that serves as mediator between Demultiplexor and AsynchHandler
AsynchChannel() - Constructor for class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
Creates AsynchChannel instance given specified Demultiplexor, AsynchHandler and SelectableChannel instances.
AsynchChannel.State - Enum in au.com.terabit.jproactor
Channel states
AsynchChannelHandler - Interface in au.com.terabit.jproactor
The AsynchHandler provides gateway into JavaProactor.
AsynchChannelHandlerFactory - Interface in au.com.terabit.jproactor
The AsynchHandlerFactory interface is responsible for creation of a new instance of ProtocolAdaptor class.
AsynchConnectHandler - Interface in au.com.terabit.jproactor
AsynchReadHandler - Interface in au.com.terabit.jproactor
AsynchTimerHandler - Interface in au.com.terabit.jproactor
AsynchWriteHandler - Interface in au.com.terabit.jproactor
attach(Object) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpTimer
Attaches an object to this operation.
attachment() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpTimer
Returns currently attached object.
au.com.terabit.jproactor - package au.com.terabit.jproactor
au.com.terabit.ssl - package au.com.terabit.ssl


cancel() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpTimer
Cancels this timer
channelAttached(AsynchChannel) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Acceptor
channelAttached(AsynchChannel) - Method in interface au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannelHandler
Notifies that this handler is associated with the TCPAsynchChannel instance.
channelAttached(AsynchChannel) - Method in class au.com.terabit.ssl.SSLAsynchChannel
channelClosed(AsynchChannel) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Acceptor
channelClosed(AsynchChannel) - Method in interface au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannelHandler
Notifies that cnannel is closed.
channelClosed(AsynchChannel) - Method in class au.com.terabit.ssl.SSLAsynchChannel
checkForClose() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
this method is should be called by derived implemnations with locked m_lock
close() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
connect(SocketAddress, AsynchConnectHandler) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
Request to execute connect operation.
connectCompleted(OpConnect) - Method in interface au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchConnectHandler
Notifies that connect operation has finished.
connectCompleted(OpConnect) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Connector
Implementation of AsynchChannelHandler#acceptCompleted(OpAccept op).
Connector - Class in au.com.terabit.jproactor
Connector(Demultiplexor, AsynchChannelHandlerFactory) - Constructor for class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Connector
createChannelHandler() - Method in interface au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannelHandlerFactory
Creates protocol instance for the given channel.
createChannelHandler() - Method in class au.com.terabit.ssl.SSLAsynchChannelFactory


declareInterest(TCPAsynchChannel) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Demultiplexor
Register m_asynchChannel.
Demultiplexor - Class in au.com.terabit.jproactor
The Demultiplexor class is the core engine of the JavaProactor.
Demultiplexor() - Constructor for class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Demultiplexor
Creates multipliexor instance with default pool size.
dispatchCompletions(ConcurrentLinkedQueue<IOOperation>) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
dispatchStategy_ - Static variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Demultiplexor


enqueueOperation(IOOperation, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<IOOperation>, IOStatistic) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
execute() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.IOOperation
execute() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpAccept
execute() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpConnect
execute() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpRead
execute() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpWrite
executeListAndAdd(ConcurrentLinkedQueue<IOOperation>, boolean, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<IOOperation>) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
executeListAndDispatch(ConcurrentLinkedQueue<IOOperation>) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
executeOp(IOOperation, boolean) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
executeOpAndAdd(IOOperation, boolean, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<IOOperation>) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel


finishAccept(OpAccept) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
finishAccept(OpAccept) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.TCPAsynchChannel
finishAccept(OpAccept) - Method in class au.com.terabit.ssl.SSLAsynchChannel
finishConnect(OpConnect) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
finishConnect(OpConnect) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.TCPAsynchChannel
finishConnect(OpConnect) - Method in class au.com.terabit.ssl.SSLAsynchChannel
finishRead(OpRead) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
finishRead(OpRead) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.TCPAsynchChannel
finishRead(OpRead) - Method in class au.com.terabit.ssl.SSLAsynchChannel
finishWrite(OpWrite) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
finishWrite(OpWrite) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.TCPAsynchChannel
Writes data into associated channel, when channel is ready for non-blocking write.
finishWrite(OpWrite) - Method in class au.com.terabit.ssl.SSLAsynchChannel


getAcceptedChannel() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpAccept
Returns the result of the accept operation.
getBuffer() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpRead
Gets operations' data buffer.
getBuffer() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpWrite
Returns operations' data buffer.
getBytesCompleted() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpRead
getBytesCompleted() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpWrite
getChannel() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.IOOperation
Returns AsycnhChannel of this operation.
getChannelHandler() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
Returns AsynchCloseHandler instance for this AsynchChannel
getError() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.IOOperation
Returns last error during IO operation
getState() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.IOOperation
Returns operation's m_state


IOOperation - Class in au.com.terabit.jproactor
The IOOperation class defines commonality shared between all IO operations in the JavaProactor.
IOOperation(int, AsynchChannel) - Constructor for class au.com.terabit.jproactor.IOOperation
Creates IOOperation instance.
IOStatistic - Class in au.com.terabit.jproactor
IOStatistic() - Constructor for class au.com.terabit.jproactor.IOStatistic
isCancelled() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpTimer
isClosed() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
isCloseFinished() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
isCloseStarted() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
isConnected() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
isConnected() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpConnect
Tells whether connect operation on the channel has successfully completed or not.
isOpened() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel


m_acceptedChannel - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpAccept
Newly accepted connection instance
m_asynchChannel - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.IOOperation
Operations' m_asynchChannel once operation is completed.
m_buffer - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpRead
data buffer
m_buffer - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpWrite
data buffer
m_bytesCompleted - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpRead
The number of bytes processed by IO operation.
m_bytesCompleted - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpWrite
The number of bytes processed by IO operation.
m_channelState - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
m_errorCause - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.IOOperation
Operations' error cause, if any
m_expiryTime - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpTimer
Timer expiration time: number of milliseconds since 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
m_flgExactly - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpRead
This flag denotes that data needs to be read until buffer is full.
m_flgExactly - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpWrite
This flag denotes that data needs to be written until buffer is empty.
m_lock - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
Internal lock for synchronization
m_opCancelled - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.IOStatistic
m_opFinished - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.IOStatistic
m_opStarted - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.IOStatistic
m_readInfo - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
queue for the completed write operations
m_readQue - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
queue for the requested read operations
m_remoteAddr - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpConnect
m_writeInfo - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
m_writeQue - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
queue for the requested write operations
m_xferBytes - Variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.IOStatistic


NUM_INITIAL_ACCEPTS - Static variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Acceptor
How may accepts to perform, default value


onComplete() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpAccept
Dispatches accepted channel to the associated protocol so it can start execution.
onComplete() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpConnect
onComplete() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpRead
Called when IO operation has completed - notifies protocol instance that read operation has completed.
onComplete() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpTimer
Called when timer has expired - notifies protocol instance.
onComplete() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpWrite
Called when IO operation has completed - notifies protocol instance that write operation has completed.
OpAccept - Class in au.com.terabit.jproactor
Th OpAccept class implements accept IO operation.
OpConnect - Class in au.com.terabit.jproactor
The connect operation implementation.
OpRead - Class in au.com.terabit.jproactor
The read operation implementation.
OpTimer - Class in au.com.terabit.jproactor
This class provides implementation of the timer operations.
OpTimer(long, AsynchTimerHandler) - Constructor for class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpTimer
OpTimer.State - Enum in au.com.terabit.jproactor
Timer state values
OpWrite - Class in au.com.terabit.jproactor
The write operation implementation.


POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Demultiplexor
Default Thread Pool size


read(ByteBuffer, AsynchReadHandler) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
Request for read operation.
read_n(ByteBuffer, AsynchReadHandler) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
Request to execute non-partitional read.
readCompleted(OpRead) - Method in interface au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchReadHandler
Notifies that read operation has finished.
readCompleted(OpRead) - Method in class au.com.terabit.ssl.SSLAsynchChannel
remaining() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpRead
Tells the difference between a number of requested and processed bytes, by IO operationm, at present time.
remaining() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpWrite
Tells the difference between a number of requested and processed bytes at present time.
run() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Demultiplexor


schedulerTimer(long, AsynchTimerHandler) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
Schedules timeout action to be called back on the associated AsynchHandler instance.
setChannelHandler(AsynchChannelHandler) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
setClosing() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
setConnected() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
shutdown() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Demultiplexor
Demultiplexor shutdown.
SSLAsynchChannel - Class in au.com.terabit.ssl
SSLAsynchChannel(boolean, SSLContext, AsynchChannelHandlerFactory) - Constructor for class au.com.terabit.ssl.SSLAsynchChannel
SSLAsynchChannelFactory - Class in au.com.terabit.ssl
SSLAsynchChannelFactory(boolean, SSLContext, AsynchChannelHandlerFactory) - Constructor for class au.com.terabit.ssl.SSLAsynchChannelFactory
start() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Acceptor
Starts acceptor, using Acceptor.NUM_INITIAL_ACCEPTS default number of accept operations.
start(int) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Acceptor
Starts accept operation.
start(SocketAddress) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Connector
start(int) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Demultiplexor
Start multiplexor.
start() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Demultiplexor
Start multiplexor using default thread pool size.
startAccept(OpAccept) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
startAccept(OpAccept) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.TCPAsynchChannel
startAccept(OpAccept) - Method in class au.com.terabit.ssl.SSLAsynchChannel
startClose() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
startClose() - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.TCPAsynchChannel
startClose() - Method in class au.com.terabit.ssl.SSLAsynchChannel
startConnect(OpConnect) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
startConnect(OpConnect) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.TCPAsynchChannel
startConnect(OpConnect) - Method in class au.com.terabit.ssl.SSLAsynchChannel
startRead(OpRead) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
startRead(OpRead) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.TCPAsynchChannel
startRead(OpRead) - Method in class au.com.terabit.ssl.SSLAsynchChannel
startTimer(OpTimer) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
startTimer(OpTimer) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Demultiplexor
Schedules timer operation.
startTimer(OpTimer) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.TCPAsynchChannel
Schedules timeout action to be called back on the associated AsynchHandler instance.
startTimer(OpTimer) - Method in class au.com.terabit.ssl.SSLAsynchChannel
startWrite(OpWrite) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
startWrite(OpWrite) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.TCPAsynchChannel
startWrite(OpWrite) - Method in class au.com.terabit.ssl.SSLAsynchChannel
STRATEGY_BALANCE - Static variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Demultiplexor
STRATEGY_FAST - Static variable in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.Demultiplexor


TCPAsynchChannel - Class in au.com.terabit.jproactor
The TCPAsynchChannel is an intermidiate interface that serves as mediator between Demultiplexor and AsynchHandler
TCPAsynchChannel(Demultiplexor, SelectableChannel) - Constructor for class au.com.terabit.jproactor.TCPAsynchChannel
Creates TCPAsynchChannel instance given specified Demultiplexor, AsynchHandler and SelectableChannel instances.
timerExpired(OpTimer) - Method in interface au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchTimerHandler
Notifies that requested timer has expired.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpTimer.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum au.com.terabit.jproactor.OpTimer.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.


write(ByteBuffer, AsynchWriteHandler) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
Requets for write operation.
write_n(ByteBuffer, AsynchWriteHandler) - Method in class au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchChannel
Request to execute non-partitional write.
writeCompleted(OpWrite) - Method in interface au.com.terabit.jproactor.AsynchWriteHandler
Notifies that write operation has finished.
writeCompleted(OpWrite) - Method in class au.com.terabit.ssl.SSLAsynchChannel